For some, this post may be TMI. So consider yourself forewarned. Here we are at April 23rd. My due date according to the midwives who are my care providers, and according to my LMP, was Monday April 19th.
Last weekend, as some may have heard, we had a false alarm. I had a lot of pain and discomfort but the contractions were random and difficult to time. After 2 hours of sleep on Friday night, we went to the hospital Saturday evening just to be checked. I was curious if any progress had been made through all this and I really wanted to make sure the baby was ok since my contractions seemed to be coming but not really going. It was like I'd feel the tightness and tension of a contraction but it would last 5-6 minutes before relaxing again. That didn't seem right to me. Either way, we were sent home.
Monday came and went. Tuesday I had a little bit of a moment. I had been noticing some wetness that I was positive was not urine. I had read that sometimes when your water breaks it's a large amount at one time or it can be a slow trickle. So wondering if this was a slow trickle, I called the doctor's office. They said I needed to be seen right away to determine if it was amniotic fluid. I rushed in, it was nothing. They said it was probably just increased discharge as my body prepares. No big deal. No sign of anything. Go back to waiting.
Meanwhile, I'm trying not to think about it at all. I wouldn't say I'm really stressed, but I've got a lot of people checking on me and calling to see how things are going, and asking what's new on Facebook. I wish I had better news for them. So sometimes I indulge and start reading online. In doing so the other day, I came across something that said if your due date is calculated strictly on your LMP, then it may not be accurate. I, for one, do not have 28-day cycles. Mine tend to be a few days longer. Therefore, the date of conception would be later in the cycle, and then the due date would end up being a few days later as well. Now, we're talking a matter of 5-7 days or so, not weeks, but still. So, I found a due-date calculator online (www.onlineconversion.com/pregnancy.htm) that takes your cycle-length into consideration. With those calculations, my due date is between April 23-25. Soooooo, we may not really be late after all. However, don't tell my midwives that, because at our appointment on Monday we're supposed to be talking about scheduling an induction, and I really don't want to wait two more weeks!