Here is my chronicle of 24 hours beginning Sunday night at bedtime and ending Monday night at bedtime. The point is to give an example of what a stay-at-home mom of a very young baby does all day. It seems like there wouldn't be much going on, and some days are busier than others, but you may be surprised. I will freely admit that I think I have an easy baby. I decided to create this post because I thought That Wife had a particularly taxing day as compared to my usual day. Anyway, here goes...
9:00 pm
Snuggled and ready for bed

10:30 pm
I go to bed for the night
6:00 am
Sweet Baby Girl wakes up, eats and goes back to sleep
9:03 am
Good morning! Ready to be changed and eat.

9:20 am
SBG is done eating, happy, and we chat in bed for a little while

9:40 am
SBG sits in her boppy pillow while I get dressed, put in contacts, get hair under control, and pick out her clothes for the day

9:55 am
SBG sits in her swing while I make breakfast and try to eat before she is done with swinging!

10:10 am
SBG is done swinging

After I got her out of the swing I put her in the Moby wrap which bought me some time to check email and maybe upload some pictures
11:00 am
We need to empty the dishwasher, and it's not because the sink and counter are full of dirty dishes. We don't have dirty dishes at our house...

...made possible by the Moby wrap!

11:15 am
Feed SBG again, update blog

1:50 pm
Leave Target and hurry to get in the car - thunderstorm approaching!

Racing the clouds home...

This picture doesn't quite capture the magnitude of the downpour, but we did not win our race with the clouds :[

3:00 pm
Make faces and chat with SBG for as long as she'll let me!

This is her pirate face, arrrr!

Time to change SBG's diaper! I realize this is one of the only pictures of her getting a Diaper change, but I DID change her throughout the day, I promise!

4:15 pm
Take out tilapia to thaw for dinner

4:20 pm
Back to making faces until daddy gets home

5:00 pm
Daddy's home! I hand SBG over for her much-loved daddy time.

They hang out while I make dinner