
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Big Announcement!

I know this is the only reason you came back, so I figured I should put it out there already...

That's right, C is going to be a BIG SISTER in March! We're very excited :) And can I just say, it feels good to finally have it out there. The first trimester was not my friend - very different from my pregnancy with C, so it was difficult not to explain why I was so exhausted, didn't feel well, and never had time or felt up to doing pretty much anything. Luckily as the first trimester wore on things did improve. We're in week 15 now [ending 15, starting 16 on Tuesday] and I wouldn't say I feel 100% but I definitely make it through the day much easier than I did from weeks 7-12. 

So the due date is March 26th, just a month before C turns 3. We originally thought we'd want the next baby to arrive closer to C's 2nd birthday or maybe around 2.5, but when it turned out that he or she would be arriving closer to her 3rd birthday that instantly seemed like perfect timing. We'll have a little more time to let the potty training thing happen without a rush or new baby being born right in the middle of it. She'll be a little older and hopefully more able to understand what's going on. Another perk of her being a little older is that she will hopefully be more interested in helping than in reverting back to being a baby herself. I know that age is no guarantee of that, she will have spent more time getting used to being an only child so that could totally backfire. Only time will tell! 

We get asked a lot if C knows and/or if she's excited. We have told her that we're going to get a baby at our house like her tiny, brand-new cousin Sami-Anne. She loves Sami-Anne [8 weeks old], so hopefully she'll feel the same way about a baby living at our house! She will tell people that we're getting a new baby at our house, but I'm sure she is wondering exactly when this is going to happen since we've been talking about it for several weeks now, which is like 6 years in toddler-time, and there's still no baby anywhere. We didn't explain that the baby is in mommy's belly mostly because I think that can be extra weird for kids when they don't understand the whole "where babies come from" thing. Maybe we'll talk about it as the belly gets bigger or when she can feel the baby kicking from the outside, but for now I think it's enough to discuss the fact that there's going to be a new baby. 

Boy or girl? We're finding out on October 31st! Funny that's it's Halloween, I know, but the office only had Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday that week and I am not one to wait. I was honestly hoping to find out the week before that since J's sister's wedding is on the 27th and the whole family [mostly] will be in town. C'est la vie. As for our prediction? We're seriously thinking BOY. Not for any valid reasons, just that this pregnancy has felt totally different than the last one and the baby has been somewhat uncooperative when we had our very first ultrasound and my first regular check up when the midwife tried to listen to the heartbeat. Both appointments when fine, by the way, and everything looked and sounded perfect, but it took a little wiggling to get a good reading both times. With C, she was perfectly cooperative all the time. Her birth was even unusually smooth. She was "sunny side up" [face up] and that usually makes for a very long birth but she was born in 20 minutes/4 pushes. Additionally, girls are super rare in J's family. In fact, C was the first girl born in his family in 21 years. If we were to have a second girl, they would be the first sisters in his family in two generations! [J's grandmother has a sister, but I'm not sure about his grandfather having any/more than one] The two babies of C's generation born after her were both boys, and there is another boy due in December. Of course, this has no scientific bearing on whether or not we would have another girl but I'm just saying it would be totally out-of-pattern for his family. I have also had three separate dreams that the baby is a boy. In one of them we saw it on an ultrasound, and in the other two the baby was born. When I was pregnant with C and I tried to picture myself as a parent, no matter how much I tried my mind always pictured me with a little girl [about C's age now] who looked exactly like I did when I was little. Call it what you want, but that's precisely what I got! My #1 reason for thinking it would be a girl is that we have absolutely zero ideas for a girl's name. It would figure. Thankfully, we'll know in a few weeks and I can stop racking my brain for girl names if the baby is a boy. 

I took one photo of myself last week when we started the 2nd trimester because I was shocked at how much of a bump I have already. It definitely showed up much faster than the first pregnancy. 
[14 Weeks]

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Update: Health & Happiness

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post titled Health & Happiness about some of the super-restrictive diets that seem to becoming the trend these days. I mentioned a friend of mine who had adopted one of these diets and suggested that I try it too. Well this morning that same friend shared an article on Facebook regarding the diet she follows [Paleo] that I thought was a helpful follow-up to my post. The article is from Men's Health magazine and can be found here. It's a pretty long and detailed article that explains the historic rationale behind eating primarily meat, vegetables and fruits and it makes a compelling case. However, it also includes information that questions this style of eating as the be-all-end-all for health and longevity that it claims to be. I'm just going to share a few excerpts that I found to be particularly interesting since they provide information that suggests perhaps this type of diet is not quite as necessary for health as its proponents might claim. But by all means read the full article if you're interested in the reasoning for eating a diet like this.

I highlighted points I thought were of special note and added my own comments in red.

Excerpt #1

"Some diseases have an obvious connection to diet. Celiac disease, for example, is an autoimmune condition triggered by gliadin, a protein found in gluten, a natural component of wheat and other cereal grains. Lectins are other problematic proteins found in high concentrations in beans, legumes, and cereal grains. But others have no known connection to diet, and that's where I find myself wondering if the paleo advocates are pushing their basic idea too far.

Two big problems emerge here. One is logical, the other factual.
"Here is a group of people who claim to take an evolutionary approach to life, yet show that they do not understand evolution," says Mathieu Lalonde, Ph.D., an organic chemist at Harvard. "Just because we have the same genes as our Paleolithic ancestors doesn't mean we're meant to eat the same things. There have been adaptations." For a diet plan supposedly rooted in science, how is it not acknowledged that people have constantly changed and adapted over the course of hundreds of thousands of years?!

Among them are increases in enzymes that help us digest starches and lactose (the sugar in milk). These adaptations are unevenly distributed among various populations around the world. What matters is whether a particular food is tolerated. I totally get that for some people, a diet like this can relieve symptoms they experience from a food intolerance, but it seems a little broad to suggest that it is suitable/necessary for anyone who wants to be healthy. The simplest way to figure this out, Lalonde says, is to stop eating a food or food group for 30 to 60 days and see what happens.

There's also a problem with the idea that "diseases of Western civilization" are all or mostly related to diet, or that they're even new.

Take for example Otzi the Iceman, whose frozen (thus preserved) 5,300-year-old corpse was discovered in the Italian Alps in 1991. Otzi was in his 40s when he was shot in the back with an arrow, which probably killed him. But if the arrow hadn't done him in, his clogged arteries suggest that he might not have lived much longer. (He also suffered from arthritis.) According to a recent study in Nature Communications, Otzi had several genetic markers that nearly doubled his risk of heart disease. In other words, a man who lived thousands of years before the mythical Trojan War had genes that strongly suggested he might eventually die of the number one cause of death afflicting 21st-century Americans.

The genes that show up on Cordain's disease checklist may not be exactly new either. In The Blue Zones, author Dan Buettner's study of the places where people live the longest, we meet residents of an isolated, mountainous region in Sardinia, an island off the coast of Italy. The people who live in that area have genes with origins that date back to Paleolithic times. The good news is that the people there seem wired to live for a very long time. The bad news is that they're also at high risk for a pair of autoimmune diseases: type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

So yet again we find "diseases of Western civilization" encoded in ancestral genomes. Another inconvenient fact comes to light in studies of the healthiest, longest-living people in places like Sardinia; Okinawa; and Nicoya, Costa Rica: They all eat cereal grains like wheat, corn, and rice—lots of cereal grains, in fact—along with legumes. The Sardinians are also fond of their wine and dairy.

The agrarian diet is typically low in protein and fat but high in plant-derived carbs, while the paleo diet is high in protein and fat but relatively low in carbs. If one is "ideal," then the other must be completely wrong. Right?
It's not so simple. Lalonde believes the paleo camp is winning, and he says he's seen the studies to prove it. But plenty of lab work needs to be done before we can point to the modern diet alone as the root of all evil, or to the paleo way of eating as a cure for metabolic syndrome and other modern ills."

This excerpt includes several points that seem to indicate that elimination of certain food groups is not necessarily key to longevity or exceptional health. If you read my previous post, that was one of my main points. I just have trouble buying into the idea that this is THE answer to being healthy, and that eating cereal, beans, or an occasional slice of pie will lead to autoimmune disease and inevitably your early demise, or even that you can't be supremely healthy and in exceptional physical condition if you eat those foods. I'm fairly certain you can.

Excerpt #2
"Right about the time I started working on this story, a friend who lives "off the grid" in an undisclosed location told me about his most recent fitness discovery: By doing hard physical labor and living without central heat and air conditioning, he'd become leaner than he'd ever been when he'd used conventional diet and exercise. 

So, as an experiment, I turned our thermostat down to 66 for the winter as I switched to a kinda-sorta paleo diet. That is, I eliminated almost all grains after breakfast, which was a lot harder than it sounds in a family of five. (Try eating meatballs without the spaghetti.) I went from having a nightly beer to maybe a couple of drinks on weekends. I added a salad every evening and ate fruit throughout the day. I also tried to take a nightly walk with my wife or one of our kids. The rest of my life, including three gym workouts a week, stayed the same.

By mid-March I'd lost about 10 pounds. When the weather warmed up, I noticed that shorts that had fit me the previous summer were hanging off my hips.

Since I changed three things at once—diet, exercise, and ambient temperature—I can't say which was most effective. But I bet it was mostly the diet.
Good things tend to happen when you replace processed foods with fruits, vegetables, eggs, lean cuts of meat, and the occasional baked potato. =Common sense, not a drastic elimination diet.

"I disagree with how paleo is justified," Lalonde says, "but they get the food mostly right. They're nutritious meals of whole foods."

My toes-in-the-water experiment with the paleo diet showed me that it's a simple system for limiting calories. To keep weight off, I'll probably have to stick with the plan for life, and that brings me back to the original question that the paleo diet claims to answer. Are grains really so bad? Are we all better off if we avoid them whenever possible? The only way to know for sure is to cut them out of your diet for a month or two.

You may or may not feel better (I feel about the same as I did before), but you'll probably end up lighter—exactly what you'd expect from any diet based on either eliminating or overthinking. If your diet works, it's because you've learned to follow a set of rules that keep you from eating stuff just because it's there. So if you are honestly intolerant of these foods you might feel better [less inflammation as the diet claims] but you'll lose weight mostly because you're limiting calories just like any. other. diet. Except this presents an extra challenge for long-term sustainability because it calls for elimination of multiple food groups that most people consider part of a normal balanced diet and will have difficulty avoiding entirely for the rest of their lives.

In that sense, we are still cavemen. The right foods in the right volume were a matter of life or death for them. Survival often meant finding new sources of calories. For us, the problem is reversed. Staying lean means deciding what we can live without."

This is the first article I've read about one of these diets that wasn't written by someone pedaling the diet [i.e. someone who has written a book or plan or blog on following one of these diets] and for that I feel like I can give it a little more weight. When you read articles on the caveman/primal/paleo diet blogs and websites they will convince you that you have one foot in the grave and will never be able to achieve any kind of physical fitness so long as you eat foods as poisonous to the body as peas [insert eye-roll]. You can see why I have a hard time buying the philosophy.

I'll reiterate that I have no doubt that there are benefits to a diet like this, especially if you have a food intolerance that is relieved by avoiding all of those foods. However, I remain unimpressed by extremist ideas of any kind because they're usually kind of a joke. This diet in my opinion is categorically no different from the Twinkie diet that a nutrition professor famously tried a couple of years ago. He ate only Twinkies and various other junk foods every 3 hours and every single number by which human health is  measured improved for him. It worked because it was a form of extreme calorie restriction, you guessed it..... just like every. other. diet. Nonetheless, it was a goofy idea that would be absurd for someone to attempt to use as a means of losing weight and being healthier. So maybe a diet of meat, vegetables and fruits is a little more reasonable than Twinkies but the results will be the same. You'll probably lose weight and one day you'll probably break down and eat something you "can't have."

Thus I stand by my philosophy of everything in moderation. Eat. Run. Play. Sleep. Repeat.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Random Cuteness, Fun, and Fall Creepiness

Also known as a phone dump. I just had to share some of the hilarious and adorable shots I've captured recently of C being her usual silly self :)

Bringing back leg-warmers [daddy's socks]

Swinging with her cousins at the annual family picnic/reunion

Waiting for her daddy to get home from work

A disgusting, gigantic spider who put an enormous web just off our deck. Right below this web is the doorway where you walk out of our basement! I thought he was actually dead so J blew on him last night.... he's very much alive :-/

Playing Rapunzel with daddy [the Tangled version, note her use of a frying pan]

Playing with some other kids while mommy shopped [at our favorite baby consignment store]

Browsing some books at the library

Here's what she picked out to read...

Just hangin' around at the playground

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Potty Training!

OH! What a joyous and exciting time in a parent's life! The end of diapers is [possibly] near! 

**Fair warning: this post might be totally uninteresting/TMI for any non-parents out there ;)

We've been working on this wonderful endeavor for about 6 months at our house. We've had our successes and failures, ups and downs, good days, bad days, and ugly days. We've come a long way and still have a ways to go, but we're happy with our progress. Our potty training adventure began back in March. C was still a month away from her 2nd birthday so we were really just trying to see what would happen with little-to-no expectations. I first decided to try because I could almost always tell when she was trying to do... ummm.... a #2. I had also seen a Sesame Street potty seat at Target that I thought could help get her on board. I figured if I could catch her before the #2 actually happened and get her to do it on the potty, I'd be a happy mama.

So I bought the potty seat and she picked up on doing #2 on it almost right away. Woot! It took a few more months and the reward of cookies [mini Nilla wafers, to be exact] to convince her to try #1 also. It took a few tries, but she has gotten really good about doing that too. Thus far we've had several days in underwear that ended accident-free, which has been thrilling. We also still  have some accidents here and there, and are by no means ready to go without a diaper while sleeping. I also don't leave the house with her not in a diaper. So the good news is, we're making good progress.

The bad news is that the progress is... kind of a pain. We've made progress from having to ask her if she needs to go every 30 minutes to her telling us she needs to go... every 11 minutes. And don't get me wrong, it's so exciting that she's telling us and that she's staying dry almost all day [save for nap time]. She goes every time she tells us, too, so it's not like it's all false alarms. It is honestly just incredibly inconvenient to stop everything and run into the bathroom so flipping often. Every trip consists of kneeling on the floor to get her pants off, getting up to put her on the potty, kneeling to put her diaper/underwear/pants back on, and then standing again to wash her hands. It never fails that when we get home from the store or the playground and wash both of our hands, she will ask to use the potty within 3 minutes of leaving the bathroom. So. Much. Hand-washing.

I am just trying to remind myself that she is getting closer and closer to being fully potty trained and this is just part of the process. I truly am so proud of her. She hasn't given us any trouble with it at all. I've done a lot of potty training in my previous work at a day care center, so I can say with confidence that this has been about as simple as potty training gets. What has probably been most helpful is that we've not been in any rush. We've taken each step as she was ready for it and never pushed her more than she was willing to go. It has been a simple and relaxed process. She is also a super easy-going kid [and an only child], so I'm sure that hasn't hurt either. Though I don't want to put any deadlines on our work, I have a feeling that we could be done with diapers by the end of the year. And don't worry, when we are finally done with diapers, I'll be quick to share ;)

Monday, September 24, 2012


Have you ever been friends with someone but realized that they kind of seem to hate you even though they're nice to your face and otherwise act like you're friends? Maybe they minimize your successes or quickly point out why something you're excited about is actually stupid. Maybe everything you say in their presence is wrong, or not as {insert descriptor here} as theirs, or just gets an eye-roll. Maybe they even seem to enjoy when you're disappointed or struggling in some way. Maybe they make passive aggressive remarks on social media that they would never say to your face, but still hope you see and realize are about you. They never come to you and say that something you've said or done has upset them. You've probably never even had an argument or disagreement over something. There is no apparent reason for their behavior, and yet it's very obvious that they don't really like you. This is not actually a friendship. I always described this strange relationship as someone having a "hate crush." They just love to hate you. They stalk your life and your business like you're best friends, except their purpose is not to share your joy or cheer you on, but rather to whisper behind your back (sometimes right in front of you), or let you know how uncool/unremarkable whatever it is in your life actually is. Have you ever had this "friend"?

I don't really have an explanation for frenemies. I just don't get them. If I don't like someone, I leave them alone and distance myself from them. The idea of pretending to be friends with a person is something I'll never understand. I've never had the desire to bring someone else down or make them look bad to others. In my situation, with the frenemies I've dealt with (and there haven't been many because I'm pretty selective with who I let into my life), it has always seemed like they were trying to compete with me for some reason. It was as if they were trying to bring me down to highlight their own life. **Newsflash: making someone else look bad never makes you look good! ;)** Things in my life are inadequate or unremarkable while theirs is clearly the best/coolest/trendiest/smartest/etc. Hey, if you need to be cooler than me I am totally ok with that. As a completely non-competitive person (probably why I was never good at sports) I truly could not care less. I look around and I am surrounded by people who are wealthier, thinner, prettier, smarter, greener, stronger, taller, shorter, more artistic,  more trendy, more involved, more cultured, more pretty much anything than me. I have never, ever in my life felt that I was better than someone else. It doesn't bother me. I am beyond delighted with my life just as it is. And yet, maybe that's it.

Frenemies can't stand it when you're happy. Why? Probably has much more to do with themselves and their life than it does with you. I've never done anything to, or even had a problem with the frenemies I've dealt with. I would have been happy to be simple friends with them. Yet, for some reason they most certainly didn't want to be my friend. Anything we had in common they turned into a competition (if you can call it a competition when only one person is competing). Anything we differed on became fuel for why I was so lame.

With a person like that, you can't win for losing. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Whatever you say is wrong, but you're being bitchy if you say nothing. It is a futile and pointless relationship. In most cases, the second I detect a frenemy I start creating distance and usually drop the person entirely from my life. Sometimes there's a neighbor, or co-worker, or classmate who you know you're going to see face-to-face on a regular basis and so you just have to make the best of it. In that case, I've learned to keep my guard up. I only share certain superficial details about my life and keep any conversation to general small talk. I'm nice when they're nice and quiet when they're not. I do my best to give them absolutely nothing to say about me later. Of course, they'll come up with something if they want to, but there's only so much you can do.

My approach is just to live my life and be happy. A frenemy hates nothing more than to see you happy, and because of that I refuse to let them stop me. Think what you want, say what you want about me. I am happier than you'll ever be.

*than  >:-/

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A lot to say

I promise, I have a lot to say. There are multiple posts swirling around in my head begging me to get them out to you. Time is the big problem, especially when I get a back-log of posts in my head. Some of them are topics that I know will take some time to organize, articulate, and edit. When I know that in advance it tends to stop me from just sitting down and writing because I feel like I don't have enough time to do it at the moment.

So this is not a real post necessarily, but more of a "preview post" letting you know what is in the works, and letting you know that I'm still here and intend to keep blogging! Here's a quick list of what I've been working on in my head (in no particular order)...

-An update post on C (she's almost 2.5!)
-Frenemies, inspired by a good friend of mine and a topic I've been considering for a very long time
-The Chicago teacher strike. You know how I love current events, though it might not be so current when I get to writing about it
And just to make really sure you keep checking back,
-A big announcement :D

I'm sure that more will pop up between now and when I get all of those written, but for the time being that's what has been on my mind! Don't forget to keep checking back. I hope to get started on those before the end of this week!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Health & Happiness

We all want both health and happiness in our lives, right? Most people strive for both, and it could easily be said that often one leads to the other. But what if you had to choose one or the other? Yesterday I was standing in line at Trader Joe's and overheard some small talk between the customer in front of me and the cashier. They were talking about what looked like some type of energy/meal bars that the customer was buying and she was telling the cashier she eats them every day. The cashier asked a question which I missed, but the customer's response was that she had lost 50 pounds this year. That sounded impressive. I began wondering what these bars were that she was buying. The cashier asked how the customer had done it and her reply was, "Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution." I had never heard of this, so when I got home I Googled it out of curiosity.

Turns out it is a very restricted diet (though it warns that it's more a way of life than a diet) of mostly vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Upon reading this my interest went from peaked to zero in an instant. I'm all about being healthy and doing your best to stay healthy for the long-term, but I just refuse to do so by eating a drastically restricted diet. I understand that there are probably drastic benefits that come from doing so, but I would also be drastically sad to never enjoy any foods except vegetables, nuts, and seeds. So maybe you can live to be 107 instead of just 99. Do I want to live 107 years and never eat a real brownie? I do not. Is that really living? I say, nope.

It seems like these super-restrictive diets are becoming the trend once more. Just when we thought Atkins and South Beach were fading out for good, here we are eliminating entire food groups again! Not so long ago a friend of mine introduced me to a diet that is mostly protein and vegetables with some fruit. No dairy, sugar, or grain though. She was describing all the ways that eating like this can benefit the body. She sent links to articles on the web about the diet, and even added me to a Facebook group where recipes for this diet are shared and exchanged. While I found it interesting, and have no doubt that the benefits are there, I declined to try it out because I just don't think that kind of dietary restriction is necessary to be healthy. When it is entirely possible to live a long, healthy, and full life without cutting vast food options from your diet, I see no reason to do so. Rather, I prefer to eat mindfully, exercise regularly, and just enjoy life without those restrictions. There are way too many super-healthy people and super-old people who eat ice cream to convince me that major food restriction is either necessary or important.

Here's the way I look at it- If I were going for the absolute peak of health that I could possibly achieve, I would have to spend most of my day working out and eat only foods that are nutrient dense and only eat with the purpose of nutrition, not choosing foods just because I like them. Sure, that is a smart thing to do for your body and your health. It's not practical, but it could be done, if I really wanted to be as healthy as possible. It's probably also psychologically much healthier not to associate food with enjoyment. Nevertheless, the human body isn't made that way. We get a kick out of foods we like. So maybe you can retrain your mind or even your chemistry not to want to eat yummy things. Fine. This diet/lifestyle/way of eating, whatever you want to call it still doesn't guarantee a long life. It might help if all else goes perfectly, yes. But... you could still be in a car accident. Someone could still mug and kill you. You could choke to death on something. You could fall off a cliff while mountain climbing. I mean, stuff happens every day. Some of it is more likely than others depending on your lifestyle, but still! Just a couple weeks ago about 10 miles from here two 19 year old girls died when a train derailed near where they were sitting (just sitting and talking!) and they were buried and crushed under coal that spilled out of the derailed train. No one ever thinks something like that is going to happen, and I don't think anyone should live life expecting a freak accident, but let me say that if I were to die tomorrow in some unforeseen scenario, I would not regret those two Oreos I ate today and loved every bite.

I also personally believe that the more you stress over food- what's permitted, what's forbidden, strict rules and all that- the more it becomes an issue in your life. Most people (not to say all) are unsuccessful in adhering to very strict diets. Really, most people are unsuccessful at monitoring their calorie intake (e.g. American obesity epidemic). I have no idea what the science is behind it, but for me personally the less of an issue you make it, the less of an issue it is. If I really want dessert I have it. I don't eat an 8x8 pan of brownies at once or a half gallon of ice cream, but if I want some I have some. The more restrictive I try to be, the more I want the forbidden foods. Why bother? I'd eat less of it and want less of it if it wasn't "off limits" in the first place. Maybe I'm not in as perfect physical condition as I would be if I were a super-strict eater, but I would 100% rather be in mildly less than peak physical shape than have to agonize on a daily basis over what I can and can't have. If I were on the path to health problems, then I'd be more strict. But again, I can still be perfectly healthy without being in peak condition, and perfectly healthy with permission to eat peach pie is just fine with me!

**And I'd like to add the disclaimer that I'm not saying people can't be happy on super-restricted diets. Maybe that's your thing. Maybe the benefits of that lifestyle are what make you happy. Maybe the idea that you are doing something so super healthy is what gives you a kick vs. having a sandwich on foccacia. That's cool. I just think you're rare and special :) I also realize that some people adopt these styles of eating because of health issues like diabetes or certain digestive tract disorders. I completely understand eating a very restricted diet to help manage a health problem.**

My conclusion is simply that if you can have great health and a long life without cutting out entire food groups, I don't see the necessity of a super-restricted diet. It seems more sensible and sustainable to me (and for me, knowing myself) to just make smart food choices and stay active. Thus, my theory is: everything in moderation. Get plenty of exercise. Be a mindful eater. Enjoy life. Order dessert. Have a dinner roll. Seriously, it's not going to kill you.... but a bus might.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Last Official Summer Weekend :(

Our air conditioner decided that we should savor the last official summer weekend with stifling temperatures... indoors. Even the dog is standing in front of the fan to keep cool. I love summer and all, but 85 in the house at bed time = a big sad face from this girl :(

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Sometimes treasure can be a few tiny stones and some dandelions carefully selected by your toddler on  a morning stroll...

Sometimes it's watching your tiny baby grow and learn, even if it's a little too fast for your liking...

Or the giggle you get when you discover she sat in her artwork, again...

Sometimes it's having "cereal with raisins" for lunch, because that's your favorite...

Sometimes it's the most adoring grin from the happiest kid you know...

Treasure isn't always gold or shiny. Sometimes it's just life's precious moments, and the realization that they are worth more than any dollar amount.

Wishing you a day full of treasures :)