SPRING! And the warm weather that comes with it! And summer soon to follow! My feelings on spring are much like a 5-year old's feelings about Christmas... I. CAN'T. WAIT. And today's random 65-degree weather (especially after what has felt like a week straight of cold, clouds and rain) is a perfect reminder of all the things I love about spring.
While I was driving home from work with my gigantic sunroof open, I started thinking about some of my favorite signs of spring. I decided you would like to know what they are. Here you go...
(in no particular order)
- When the sun feels warm again. There are sunny days in winter, but the winter sun doesn't make your car warm, or feel hot to your skin. There's always that one day in spring when I realize, I can feel the heat of the sun again! It's an extremely happy day.
- Daffodils! They have to be one of the cutest flowers on the planet and they just happen to get the privilege of being one of the welcome signs of warm weather.
- Flip-flops. Here's the magic of flip-flops: They scream summer time, however, with jeans and a hoodie you can still pull them off in early spring and convince yourself that they are totally appropriate footwear. If I weren't a bigger baby, I'd straight up wear them all year long.
- The park. Sheppie just LOVES to get out and go to the park. We have a super-tiny yard and our "neighborhood" is one court, unless I want to take route 108 over to the next neighborhood where they have sidewalks and roads that don't just make a circle. So when the weather is warm enough Sheppie and I love to go to the park and walk, or even just sit under a tree and people-watch. Sometimes he helps me study or grade papers.
- Two words: SPRING BREAK. After a long stretch of teaching since Christmas, spring break is a much needed and much deserved reprieve from the banshees I call my students. This year my students are better than they ever were at Banneker, but teaching takes it out of you no matter which way you slice it. And the lesson-planning this year... well you know aaaalllllll about that :)
- Spring is just one big sign of SUMMER!!! Aaaaaahhhhhhhh, soooooooo clooooooooose!

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