I am officially finished planning lessons for this school year!
Isn't that exciting?!? I can't explain how happy that makes me! I have planned my last plan! Today was the last bit of "instruction" I had to give. Tomorrow begins half-days which consist of nothing but exams. Students come in and take two 90-minute exams and then go home. It is heaven (you may recall my blog post from January in which I called midterm exam week one of the easiest weeks ever). I no longer have to entertain and educate these children. I'll simply start the exam by answering any questions students have, and then let them at it. Both exams I'm giving are only 50 multiple choice questions so they will definitely not take even the slowest student 90 minutes to complete, but that is no matter. The point is, I don' t have to execute a lesson!
Oh, happy day!
Oh, happy day!
YAY! *claps hands*