Well I guess the most exciting thing going on with us right now is that we're getting ready for a weekend at the beach! I know, we just got home from a cruise a few weeks ago. However, Josh's parents got the idea to go away for a weekend at the beach and invited anyone who wanted to go. So we said we were IN! They reserved a condo on 131st street, so we won't be right in the middle of the OC mess, but it will still feel like a nice weekend away. Jennie is going and Connor might be, so it should be a fun little crowd. We're leaving tomorrow evening and coming back on Monday, so it's actually a slightly extended weekend away. I'm looking forward to it.
Next week will be my last week before returning to work. Can you believe the summer is almost over? I guess the season itself will continue for several more weeks, but the summer "break" part of summer is rapidly coming to a close. This was definitely the fastest summer my memory can recall. I think taking three classes may have had something to do with it... just a hunch. Although I am not yet registered for my internship this fall (still waiting on that student loan), I am very much looking forward to having class only ONE night per week, AND knowing that in May I will be finished with my graduate work forever! No more classes! No more papers or homework or exams or student loans! Most importantly - more time with my husband :D I am so excited!
In fact, while we're at it, let me go ahead and tell you why I AM looking forward to this fall:
- Class once a week instead of twice
- My fall purse! (it's purple, and I actually was so excited about it that I've already switched over to it. I couldn't hold off until Labor day!)
- Fall clothes
- Having all honors & GT students
- Football season (first Ravens game is TONIGHT!)
- New things I want to try with my students this year
- Josh's sister Jennie moving in with us!
- Fighting with my friend Leighanne about football teams (she made me say that)
Ok, I'm done with that list for now. I'm sure I'll think of more things later! But my sweet teacher has turned off the video and started lecturing again which means I have to tune back in. Who ever thought a class in Play Therapy could be so ultra boring??? Proof that the teacher makes a difference.
Really quickly before I go though... I want to include 3 events for my positive events log!
- My in-laws invited us to the beach for the weekend!
- Evan started saying "Mimi" and "Josh"!!!!!
- I have completed TWO graduate classes in the past 2 weeks. Go me :]
Don't forget to include your positive events log in YOUR blog posts!! I probably won't be back on until next week when we get back from the beach. But, hang in there, I'll be posting pictures! I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!!
A fall purse sounds like such a great idea. Especially a purple purse! Good luck with the school year and before you know it your grad stuff will be over (not that I know personally, but it sure flew by for my friend!)