
Friday, November 20, 2009

Highlighter Day

What on earth is highlighter day, you ask?? Well it was one of our spirit days during Spirit week at my school for homecoming this year. What this involves is dressing up in "higlighter" colors, aka - neon. Yes, the stuff we wore in the late 80s/early 90s and thought we were awesome. My students are wearing it all again. It's still just as unattractive as it was then, and yes they think they are as awesome as we thought we were. Oh yikes. Some trends you just don't expect to ever resurface. The leggings under your dress, understandable. In fact that one is rather practical. But neon? Gosh was there nothing else from 20 years ago that could be considered cool again? Slap bracelets? Jelly shoes? Acid-wash everything?

Ok, so what does that have to do with anything? Nothing really. This post is just going to consist of some highlights since I don't have much time to write a full description of it all. Haha. Some introduction, right? I think this post is also setting a record for questions asked by the author. Moving on....

  • Busy weekend! Papers to grade, papers to write for grad school (yes, plural), wedding Saturday night, relaxation? We'll see.
  • Even busier Monday-Tuesday. It's parent/teacher conferences and what do you get for teaching 1) all 9th graders, 2) all GT & Honors? The answer is 39 conferences in two days, every possible conference time-slot filled from 11:45 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. in fifteen minute increments. THEN, additional parents who weren't quick enough to snatch up one of the available conference slots emailing and calling to schedule their conferences for some other time.
  • Icantbelievethisweekisthanksgiving!!!!!!! There are 3 school weeks between Thanksgiving break and Christmas break. My Christmas tree will be up on Wednesday 8-O How does it sneak up on me like this every year? You'd think I would see it coming by now.
  • I may have secured a substitute for my maternity leave! I am sort of talking to two very reliable subs who work exclusively at our school. One is doing a long-term job for a guy in our department right now, the other is the son of a teacher in our department as well as one of the soccer coaches. He came to me today and said he heard I might be needing a sub in the future (haha, understatement) and that he'd be interested in covering my leave - hooray! I'm excited.
  • Two weeks from today we have our sonogram to find out if we're having a baby boy or girl! I am beyond excited for this event :]
  • Although I took a good hour and a half nap this afternoon, I'm going to bed just an hour later than usual, and probably sleeping in too!
Ok friends, that is all. I will try to post a picture from the wedding we're going to tomorrow. I look quite pregnant in the dress I'm wearing (kindly donated by my sister). Strangely, I feel a little self-conscious about everyone noticing my belly. I suppose it comes from a lifetime of trying to hide it! Plus it's one of those things that everyone is going to pay attention to and talk about and I'm just not all about that kind of attention. Fortunately, this is not a wedding where my whole family will be there or anything. It's a friend of our family, so my family and their family and a few friends will be the only ones who know me and might say something.

Anyway, sleepy time. I'm so excited :] Goodnight!!


  1. awww Em what a wonderful Highlighted post! As for the growing belly and everyone noticing it, it only gets MORE noticable, revel in it! Enjoy the looks because they're ALL thinking how beautiful, how exciting, how blessed, how amazing you are :0) (and you ARE) I for one, cannot wait to see pictures of your ever growing baby bump :0D I am so over the MOOOOOON for you and the hubs and that sweet lil bambino (OR bambina!) I hope the baby is up for cooperating and gives a full shot of the goods for the world (okay okay, not the world, just every friend and family member and blog stalker to see haha) such exciting times! Take as many naps and sleep while you can mama! (how FUN I can call you a mama now! woot woot!)How's Schep, haven't heard much about him lately, I did however see some adorable shots of him at the baby shower :0)

  2. Everyone LOVES your bump - you will grow to love it too (and then you will grow to hate it, i'm sure, when it reaches that certain point where you can no longer tie your shoes). Don't let your self-consciousness over gaining some pounds keep you from enjoying this time - your body is doing all this so that it can nurture your precious little baby, and while not ALL of those changes are super-glamorous, "the bump" is one of those things about pregnancy that IS glamorous! I know you're not a "center of attention" kind of person... just think of it as your BABY getting a lot of attention, and enjoy the compliments on your radiant glow (because it's not "just something people say" - it's very real whether you see it or not!). And I will try to stop freaking out over it, in the meantime ;)


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