- Completing internship hours. I had 60 to complete in 3 weeks, this is week 2. I'm clocking everything including writing my papers!
- Researching and writing a paper for my data and advocacy project. Paper is currently on page 8 and unfinished....
- Reflections on each week of internship since the second week of December
- Putting together a portfolio to demonstrate my competency as a counselor
- Copying all of my 4th quarter lessons for my substitute
- Writing instructions for my sub on everything she'll need to know
- Preparing my hospital bag and making a list of everything I can't pack in advance to make sure I don't forget it
The list goes on, but these are the current things I'm trying to accomplish. That aside, I've kept a sticky note with some pretty good "Say Whats" on it. Here are a few...
- As we began WW2 we were talking about dictators as leaders (like Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini). I gave the students a homework assignment to look up and describe another world leader who is or was a dictator. Some that I got were-- Napoleon in the 1930s, Sarah Palin, and George Washington. These are not students expressing political opinion and saying that they think Sarah Palin would be a bad leader, they simply described who she is factually and said that she was a dictator. Same with George Washington. I kind of (kind of) couldn't believe it.
- Another student I had to write up for making cat noises in class, including at me. He (yes, he) would just sit in his seat meowing and hissing while waving his "paw" in the air like he was swatting at something. I told him to stop many times, and then had to write him up. He was thoroughly insulted and tried to argue that I couldn't write him up for it. Then I shared the story with his soccer coach who made him cry.
There are more but unfortunately I'm out of time for the morning and have to cut this short. It's kind of been the story of my life. My family has even been asking where I am. The answer is: buried in school work. But better now and to get it over with by the time Carsen is here.
And the best news of today: Tomorrow is my Friday, then I'm on spring break until April 12th! Yippeeeee :]
LOL! THE CAT KID!!! That's gonna be another one that we frequently quote/immitate, like "Hi Mrs. Beck. I like your hair and your outfit" and "Mish Emawee, can I have sheconds on shnack?"