
Saturday, August 7, 2010


Four years ago today was a life changing day for me. I woke up to a small box on my night stand. It contained a note instructing me to enjoy finding 29 more of these little boxes hidden all over my apartment. Each box contained something fun or meaningful to my boyfriend and I. I had so much fun discovering all these little gifts that he had so thoughtfully chosen for me. They were everything from chocolates to school supplies to a song he had written for me before we were even together. By the time he got off work I had found all but a couple of the boxes. He helped me find some of the remaining ones but we had plans to go out for dinner so we decided to find the last one when we got back. Dinner turned out to be a picnic in a nearby park. After we ate we walked over to a ravine. Just as a big thunderstorm rolled in, my boyfriend told me that he knew where the last box was. He pulled box #9 from his pocket, knelt to one knee and asked me to marry him. I said "Absolutely," and the rest is history.

1 comment:

  1. I can't figure out why, after reading this on the 7th, I didn't think to commemorate the same event in our lives, which happened on the 9th. Are you kidding me?! I just realized I let it pass without even realizing it. You'd think that reading yours two days prior would've reminded me. Oye. My mind is going. Anyway, I remember that day (yours) :] It was a good one. And I love how Josh did it! Such a great story to tell Carsen one day ;]


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