
Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Favorite Recent Pics

I can't help it that my baby gets more beautiful by the second. I will take responsibility for sharing it with you though. She really is the most incredible little person and I find myself more and more awestruck by her every single day. Ok ok, mom-talk over.

Here she is!

Who can resist a baby girl snuggling with her daddy?? Not me.

I'm in love with these next 2 photos because she looks so much like me in them :)

And this is a face she recently started making. Sometimes for fun, sometimes when we tell her "no no." Always hilarious.

Still a thumby girl

Daddy stayed home sick...
...but she sure was a happy camper :)

She was pumped for the game. Not so much at the end though :(

She was so wiggly when I was trying to get a good picture of her in her Batman shirt, then she stopped to poop.

Showing her uncle how to play XBox :)

And that's why I'm so in love. It's ok if you are, too, as long as it's not in a creepy way.


  1. She is such a PRETTY baby! I laughed at your last line about loving her but not in a creepy way. you're funny :)

  2. so cute! You're last sentence made me laugh so loud I snorted, you're a hoot!


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