April 16, 2010

One year ago today my teeny tiny bebe girl was due to be born. It was such an exciting time for me. I had said "April 19th" probably 2 zillion times since I began sharing my news the previous September. It was hard to believe that date which had once sounded impossibly far in the future was finally here. My wait was not over, however. It would be five more days before she was actually born. I spent those five days sitting on an exercise ball, walking around the park, and answering the million-dollar question: "How do you feel??" I look back now and that time feels like it was so long ago. At the same time, I feel like my baby was just born. I look at her in my arms and think certainly she's not much bigger than when she was first born. She's still just my teeny tiny little bebe, right? She is. She always will be, too!
In five short days she will be one year old. We are planning a party for her the week after since her actual birthday falls on Easter Sunday. I am elbow-deep in party preparations and the RSVPs have started coming in. Her party will be at the playground down the street from our house. I picked a music theme, "Rock-A-Bye Baby," with an emphasis on the "rock." I think it's going to be pretty cute. Music is really the only thing she's into right now. The guests are just going to be our immediate families and some close friends, though that added up pretty quick. I finally found a cupcake recipe that I'm in love with. Wouldn't you know it was in a simple traditional cookbook I have? Georgetown, PSH. They were amazing and I perfected a pretty fabulous cream-cheese icing recipe. Even our bebe loved them! I can't wait to see her dig in at the party. I'm glad I had her sample them ahead of time. After testing 3 cupcake recipes, we spent several weeks eating cupcakes, so our little girl has come to recognize a cupcake from a mile away. She's going to be so excited when we sit a whole one in front of her :) Other than making my own cupcakes, I'm not going too overboard with the party. No petting zoo or anything like that. I wanted it to be cute and fun without being psycho about it. So we'll have some music and music-related things for the kids to play with, aside from the playground which will be an obvious draw.
We've already done the birthday shopping, though I can't promise I won't do more. We are coming up on pay day..... Ha! Well it's late and every morning I promise myself I'm going to bed early that night. It never happens. Stay tuned for my "One Year Update" post so you can read all about my bebe at one year old. It will probably get mushy, consider yourself warned :) Goodnight!
Where on earth has the past year gone?! Can't WAIT to see pics from C's party - it's going to be adorable! :-)