
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Another Year

It's that time of year again when so many of my friends are returning to work in school systems across the state. Even though it's still August, the nights and mornings are already getting chilly. Somehow the weather always changes like that when it's time for school to start. I can't believe another summer is almost over. This summer has gone by particularly fast, I guess because for the first time in a few years I "worked" babysitting over the summer months.

Nonetheless it's this time of year, as summer starts to wind down and my friends start returning to work, that I feel particularly blessed to be spending another school year at home with my baby. I know it's not something that everyone has the opportunity or desire to do, but it means the world to me and I feel like I have to acknowledge that blessing.
I never expected that I would be able to stay home, even up to the day I had to make the decision. So to me, it is still something of wonder that I'm actually a SAHM. I have loved every bit of the past year at home and cherish all the precious moments it was filled with. I'll never be able to thank my husband enough for such an incredible gift to both myself and our children.
If I ever felt called to be a teacher -- and I really, truly did -- I feel 100 times the calling to be at home raising my children.
Once again, for that, I feel like The Luckiest girl in the world, and I think that's how you know you're exactly where you're supposed to be.

**Sorry for the sap! When it comes to some things (my baby especially), I just can't help it :)

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