
Sunday, January 8, 2012


It has been a positively spectacular weekend weather-wise (and otherwise, too) in our neighborhood. After two three-day weekends with J, it's nice to have a really fabulous weekend since it's already a bummer that it will feel short. The weather has been unseasonably warm, which I just love. We had a few days last week when the daytime high was in the twenties, so for Friday and Saturday to be in the sixties was heavenly. I'm being completely honest when I say we saw people wearing shorts and tank tops. That's a little extreme even for me, but I did go out without a jacket and loved every minute :)

Somehow we ended up with almost zero plans for this weekend. I love that kind of weekend - wide open for whatever we feel like getting into! The only plans we had ahead of time were for me to take some engagement pictures for J's sister Jennie on Saturday afternoon. She is getting married in October. They're hiring a regular photographer for the wedding and will probably get engagement pictures as part of their package, but they wanted some now so they could put their save-the-date cards together. And hey, maybe if they're happy enough with them they can get a discount on their professional photog package by not needing the offered engagement session. I've got lots of editing to do (600+ shots) but I'll share some when they're done.

So Friday night we just vegged, quite literally. We put C to bed and then just sat on the couch. We watched some TV, J played some video games, and that. was. it. Last night was more of the same after Jennie and Michael left. They sweetly bought us dinner and hung out to watch a few episodes of Big Love on DVD (a tradition that started while Jennie was living here) after our photo shoot.

Today we planned to de-Christmas while C was napping, but somehow we started on it early and managed to be completely done by nap time. I always dislike taking down Christmas decorations because the house looks so bare and sad without them. But I must admit, this is the first year I was feeling really ready to get things back to normal. I'm also a sucker for how pristinely clean the house is right before and right after Christmas decorations. Places get vacuumed that never see the light of day. And this year since we're in purge-mode we ended up putting away fewer items than we got out at the beginning of the season - and that's after Christmas gifts. Ten points for us :)  In fact as we speak, J is on a run to Goodwill and the baby consignment store. Correction- he just stopped by our house mid-errands to drop off an iPhone for me. The end. Be back later!

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