Well, it's almost the eve of 2010, how about some pictures of Christmas 2009 before my winter break is over? We all know, once I'm back to work and counting down the final 15 weeks before the arrival of baby Beck there will be no time to catch up on a Christmas post (especially one of this size!). So here is our Christmas in pictures for you to enjoy!
A few days prior to Christmas (ok, almost a week) we got 20" of snow...

Christmas morning we woke up and exchanged gifts with each other at our house before heading to Eldersburg to visit with each of our families. My pictures are primarily, er all, of my family's dinner and gift exchange -- particularly my nieces and nephews :]

Framably cute.

Little Evs watching his favorite TV show, Max and Ruby

Ben and Lacy -- this is how they interact mainly

Mom's Christmas tree :]

Our very tired puppy

Caraline and Nana
And the gift opening begins.......

Leo was hilarious. He got this octopus for Christmas at his house that morning and would NOT put it down -- not even to open other presents!

We got him this Viewmaster and he yelled - Awesome! but I'm pretty sure he had no idea what it was for, haha

Smeebo with the outfit we gave him... all wadded up, haha

Hm, what else would the boys be doing while the kids are opening presents?

Evan playing with the block set we gave him

Evan also REALLY loved Leo's Viewmaster and played with it most of the night

Once all the presents were open Evan was just not done tearing things so he went for the empty boxes and began ripping them up

Look at that teeny tiny little hand!

End of the night pre-meltdown

And what do you know? These two fall asleep once the chaos subsides. Haha, talk about peas in a pod...
Overall we had a really nice day and enjoyed getting to spend time with both of our families. We came home with some fun stuff that we're looking forward to using, and enjoyed every minute of seeing the family open the things we brought for them.
Tomorrow for New Year's Eve we're just planning on keeping it low-key and staying in. We had planned on seeing Michael in RENT down in D.C. but between the weather and Josh being on crutches, we decided it was better to have a quiet celebration at home. I'll probably make a fun dinner or something and it's very likely we'll sit around and play Mario Bros. together before the countdown :] Perhaps not the fanciest of plans, but any night spent with my cute husband is a night well-spent! And there's no other way I'd rather ring in a new year.
I hope your Christmas was merry and 2010 brings lots of fun and excitement!
Happy New Year!
Love all of the pictures! Baby Caraline looks like her Dad in these pictures to me. So cute! How's Amber holding up? I can't believe Baby Beck is only 15 weeks away. The time sure does fly!