So, here we are - 2010. I can hardly believe it. Where did 2009 go? It was a pretty big year for us, and I wish I had the time or memory to be able to recap all the important events, but fortunately I have a computer that files my pictures by dates, so I was able to go back and pull a few things that I thought were noteworthy in summarizing the Becks' 2009.
- Sadly no exciting pictures from January existed on my computer. There were a few shots of some snow, and Josh's cousin's first birthday party.
- Smeebo's fourth birthday party -- another year closer to not being a baby, and thus to breaking Mimi's heart

Leo turns 4 and celebrates with a pretty impressive dinosaur cake
- Preparation is in full-swing for my brother's wedding, and we throw a fun shower for his bride-to-be :]

My sisters and I at the Mexican-themed bridal shower for Jenna
- Again, sadly, I couldn't dig up much excitement for April. My spring break was in there, but we didn't go anywhere. I spent it at home mostly just relaxing.
- The biggest event of May was my brother's wedding. It was SO much fun and really turned out perfect :]

My brother married his sweetheart of 9 years in May!
- Um, I turned 27. Hooray!
- School wasn't out until the 19th, and I was taking a grad class that ended right before our vacation in mid-July
- Fourth of July was fun, we went to Fells point in Baltimore for pizza with Jennie, Michael, Michael's sister, her fiancee, his friend, Connor and Kelly
- We took our 9-day cruise to the Eastern Caribbean!

Fourth of July festivities in Fells Point with 3/4 of the Beck kids
See my archive for all the pics from our cruise
- I took two more grad classes
- We spent a long weekend in Ocean City with the Becks
- We found out that we we'd be having a little baby Beck!
- I began my fifth year of teaching
- I started my internship and final year of grad school
- Jennie came to live with us!

One last getaway to Ocean City with the Becks in August before summer ended :]
September - November
- Not too much happening
- Josh turned 28
- Evan turned 2
- We kicked off the holiday season with a few Thanksgiving feasts and lots of shopping :]
- Ravens beat the Steelers
- We got to see baby Beck and find out that she is a girl :]
- Spent lots of time shopping and preparing for the holidays
- Had a great big gigantic snow storm, in which our niece Caraline decided to join the world
- Had a lovely relaxing Christmas with each of our parents/siblings
- Rang in the new year quietly at home

Wow. That sounded like a busy year. However, I have a feeling 2010 is going to be even busier! Here are just a few of the things we're actually planning for (nevermind all the things that will pop up unexpectedly to keep life exciting for us):
- We need to prepare a nursery for our little girl who will be here in 15 weeks
- Um, our little girl will be here in 15 weeks!!
- I am working non-stop to complete my internship hours by baby girl's due date so I can graduate in May
- We're hoping to spend the summer quietly relaxing at home and getting to know our baby
- I may potentially be starting a business in the fall... potentially
- As a result of said business, I may no longer be teaching (or counseling), which is huge
- We're trying very hard to make a trip to Utah happen next fall... with a possible stop in TX :]
Nice look back and a great look forward! You better get that nursery ready, the time flies by faster than you think! :) What sort of business are you thinking of starting? I'm guessing photography....(because when people think about starting a business that is often what they do).