So... what's next? Our stove and dishwasher are being delivered next Wednesday - woot! We'll finally have all 4 appliances the same color. Before then, I just need to finish painting one wall in the kitchen and get behind the stove and refrigerator. We still don't have an official install date for our tile :( But the weather is getting really nice, and I'm hoping to get started on painting our cabinets once we make the transition to consistently warmer temperatures. I'll need to use our deck outside so it has to be warm enough for me to do that.
In other news, our baby is cuter by the day. I need to do a big update post on her before she officially turns 2. I can't believe that milestone is upon us already! She and I spent the morning outside. We had to meet up with someone who bought our double stroller (I had bought it on craigslist when I was babysitting and decided not to hang on to it). Our meeting place was so close to this little park near the airport that we decided to go watch some "hairplanes" as C calls them.
There were daffodils in full bloom :D
"Bye bye hairplane! Bye bye!"
Mommy & C
We had a great time watching the "hairplanes" and running around. There is a playground there and a bike/walking path but C mostly just wanted to run around. She found some pine cones which I'm fairly certain she's never seen before. She spoke to an elderly gentleman who was taking a break from bike riding and he thought she was pretty funny. And finally after about an hour and a half we left, mostly because I needed to pee. We came home to some beans & rice for lunch (I made my version of a burrito bowl with some romaine, salsa, cheese, and avocado) and she has been snoozing soundly for over 3 hours. I am so in love with today's weather and I can not wait until we can consistently have outside time every single day! You might recall we were a bit house-bound this time last year since I was babysitting my nephew. I had the above-mentioned double stroller, but taking a walk is only so exciting day after day. I'm so anxious to be able to go out and do fun summer outdoor things whenever we want this year, even if it's just splashing in the wading pool at Nana's!
Stay tuned for a dedicated update post on C as we approach her 2nd birthday, and of course more on the kitchen as it comes together. What have you been doing with the spring weather? Outdoor fun? Home improvement projects?
Em, I just wanted to say I think you are a fantastic and wonderful human being and I thoroughly enjoy your blog! Thanks so much for sharing your adventures and that adorable lil girl :0) Can't believe she'll be TWO!