Our new stove and dishwasher arrive tomorrow!!! I'm so excited to cook on a normal stove and use a dishwasher that is versatile and quiet to boot! As a bonus my kitchen will appear at a (very quick) glance to be at least of this century... you know, if you can ignore the green marble-y linoleum floor and matching Formica counter tops :)
In Spring Cleaning news, today I gave the living room and play room some TLC. They're mostly sparkling and smell like a field of lavender. The sofa covers are still in the process of being washed and dried since that's pretty much an all-day process, but otherwise things are looking great in there.
There is one bookshelf we have in the play room that I wanted to be able to clear off and move out, but I ran out of time for that today. I'll be sure to get to it tomorrow or Friday though because we're going to need that space for a certain bella bambina's upcoming 2nd birthday present :) Having a child is seriously sometimes like being a kid again. I can get so excited about giving her something I know she'll love as if I were the one getting an awesome gift. I guess in a way I am... ah, I love being a mommy!
Here are a few pictures from today:
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