
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Funny Videos

This is my first attempt at posting videos on my blog. I will set it up for you with the background story. I took our Flip camera upstairs with me one day last week when I went to get our baby up from her nap. She is always so adorable and sweet when she wakes up so I wanted to capture it for that distant day when she may no longer do the same cute things she does now.

When I got downstairs I played the video back and she was watching it with me. She reached out and grabbed the camera with both of her hands so I had to pull it away from her and told her very gently, "no no." Well it must have just been too soon since she had woken up because she was completely destroyed over that. She burst into big sobs and boo hoos, which I thought was cute, so I turned the camera on again and recorded that also.

Wondering about her reaction, I played back the video of her crying and when she saw that her little bottom lip went out and she burst into her heart-broken cry again. I know it sounds mean, but it was so cute. And then I did it when my sister-in-law got home, and then we did it again when daddy got home. Finally I recorded her watching the video of herself crying so I could just show people the video instead of making her cry over and over.

Maybe that should have gone on my "Not Me!" Monday list?


  1. that last video is seriously hilarious. so cute!

  2. (A) I need that video camera. (B) Watching her smile at you when she got up from her nap made me never ever want to miss my baby's naptime. Ever. I'm F'ed.

  3. hahahahahaha, Em that was so sweet and sad and funny all in one! She is THEE most adorable beautiful lil thing there ever was! <3


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