
Monday, August 30, 2010

Impending Doom

Buses hit the road in our district this morning to kick off another 180-day marathon for teachers, students, administrators, and parents alike. This is it. The first day of school.

Something about the first day of school brings a terrible feeling. I know it comes from many many (many) years of having to return to school after a glorious summer break. Thanks to graduate school I was a student up until just a few months ago. And thanks to teaching, I've had to return to "school" every year since graduating college. This year for the first time in 23 years, I am not returning to school as either a student or teacher. So why, then, do I have this awful pit in my stomach? This feeling of impending doom?

For a few reasons: the first of which being that old habits die hard. Who doesn't see school supplies come out in (gah) July and immediately get a tummy ache? I don't care who you are, the idea of starting a new school year makes your stomach hurt. Second, it's the end of summer. Somehow the weather and school years have gotten aligned over the years and it's almost like an instant change. When school starts the sky changes color. It might still be 90-degrees for the daytime high, but here and there the overnight lows are down in the 50s. YIKES. Shadows look different, and there are seemingly so many more of them. Suddenly it's dark outside noticeably earlier than last week. If you're anything like me, this is a sad, sad realization.

Don't get me wrong. Fall is a beautiful season. I love the changing leaves, the color of the sky, I even enjoy that fall smell in the air. I especially enjoy fall fashions. However, fall is still merely a transition between my favorite season and my least favorite. It still serves as one big reminder (or warning) that the flowers are getting ready to die, trees will once again be gray and bare, and the weather is about to be so cold you curse every time you step outdoors. Snow and cold weather are fun for two things - the holidays, and days off school. This year I only get to enjoy one of those perks!

While I am not returning to school or work this fall, I am working on a project that will essentially bring my "summer break" / extended maternity leave to an end. It won't be the same as getting up to go to work or school every day, but it will require some big adjustments and make our routine considerably less flexible. So in a way I have a lot of the same feelings this fall that I did when I was teaching and going to school. Guess I wasn't getting away from them so easily- I only finished grad school and quit my job! Haha, c'est la vie.

I shall end with a quote from my wedding song that perfectly captures my feelings about this time of year...

"We watch the season pull up its own stakes, and catch the last weekend of the last week before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced. Another sun-soaked season fades away."
-Dashboard Confessional, Dusk and Summer
(one of the best albums ever, IMHO)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The cutest game I've ever seen

Our baby girl has been playing this little game while she eats (particularly at nap and bed times). If she were a bottle-fed baby I would show a video, but she's not so I won't. She will stop and look up at me. In the sweetest little sing-song voice she starts cooing at me. She looks so frickin adorable because her hair is a little sweaty from resting on my arm, and her cheeks and nose are a little pink from being close against my skin. And she'll just look up at me so expectantly, cooing away. She will continue to stare at me until I look down at her. At that point her face lights up with a grin and she lets out an excited coo. What can I do? Usually I crack up, kiss her a few hundred times and tell her I love her. Then she gives another grin and goes back to eating. Within 60 seconds we repeat that cycle, and so it goes until she falls asleep or is finished eating. I'm in love :]

Friday, August 27, 2010

What my SBG is doing these days

A quick post to tell you the kinds of incredible, adorable, heart-melting things our Sweet Baby Girl is doing these days as a 4 month-old!
  • Laughing! (my fav)
  • Squealing when she's happy and excited
  • Sitting in her Bumbo
  • Chewing on everything
  • Sucking her thumb like she was professionally trained (seriously, how do they know how to do this?? Fingers curled over her nose and everything. It's cute.)
  • Loving her toys, burp cloths, blankets to chew on
  • Talking to herself and her toys (cutest is when she's in the back seat of the car by herself and I hear her back there having quiet conversation with Carle or her baby doll!)
  • Loving music, singing, and dancing
  • Sleeping better (shh, don't tell her I told you)
  • Playing peek-a-boo
  • Supporting her body weight on her legs
  • Hating tummy-time, but getting better
  • Occupying herself by babbling and chewing on her hands or clothes
  • Showing clear preference for mommy and daddy, and a touch of stranger anxiety
  • Playing with her feet which she has recently discovered
  • Turning when we say her name (whether it's the word or our tone, it's adorable)
  • Looking more and more like her dad every day
  • Capturing hearts :]

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

24 Hours with my 4 month-old!

As promised, here is the next 24 hour chronicle of life with my baby. Last time she was 2 months old. There aren't too many differences this time at 4 months! Actually, this 24 hours took place over the day that she was 4 months exactly.

We begin our adventure at bedtime on Monday, August 23rd.

9:30 p.m. Baby Girl is in bed for the night

12:30, 3:30, 5:45 a.m. she is awake to nurse

7:30 a.m. I pull her over into my bed to nurse while we both snooze

8:30 a.m. We are both awake for the day... one of us with a smile:
Ok, so I smile too when I see that happy little grin. Who could help it?

First things first- diaper change and get dressed!

8:45 a.m. Baby Girl hangs out on the couch with me while I eat a bowl of cereal

9:00 a.m. We start the laundry.. and there's plenty of it.
Baby Girl spends a few minutes in her bouncy seat while I fold some clean laundry

9:30 a.m. I get myself together for the day and feed Baby Girl again

10:00 a.m. I decide it's a nice day and we're going to the park for a walk!

I thought this playground was kind of impressive. Looks like it might make a good location for someone's 1st birthday party (whenever that distant day arrives no time soon)
She was a happy girl strolling along

...and asleep by the time we got back to the car.
11-11:30 a.m. nap in the stroller/car
Not that consequential, we stop for gas and a slice of pizza at Costco on the way home.

11:45 a.m. Back at home it's time for a diaper change and another feeding

12:15 p.m. Another diaper change, then we chat and play on the couch for a little while.
Notice that fierce thumb-sucking action. This girl is serious about her thumb.
Pretty soon she's getting tired and ready for a nap.

12:45 p.m. She is bundled in a blankie and ready to snooze
1:00 p.m. Baby girl is out, I eat my lunch and update my blog
1:30 p.m. I continue doing laundry and find a dinner recipe

2:30 p.m. Baby Girl starts waking up.
The following series of pictures were so cute I couldn't leave any out. Enjoy...

We start with the yawn
"Can I help you? Why are you pointing that thing at me?"
"Are you taking pictures again?!"
"Awwwwww, mom!"

And then she starts stretching while still wrapped in the blanket

Baby Girl emerges victorious

2:45 p.m. Feed baby

3:00 p.m. Change diaper, head to the grocery store to grab a few things for dinner

3:50 p.m. Home from the store. Baby Girl spends a few minutes in her bouncy seat while I put away groceries and tidy up the kitchen and living room
4:45 p.m. Feed baby again!

5:15 p.m. Daddy is home and they play happily for a bit

5:30 p.m. Pizza for dinner

6:15 p.m. We turn on a few episodes of "30 Rock"
Baby girl watches from my lap. The "30 Rock" theme is one of her favorite songs to dance to!
6:45 p.m. Feed Baby Girl again, she falls asleep for an evening nap

8:00 p.m. Baby Girl wakes up and we talk and play on the couch for a while
9:15 p.m. Baby Girl gets her jammies on and we talk and play a little more before bed time.
10:00 p.m. Baby Girl is asleep and in bed!

Pretty exciting, right? We live a simple life. Tomorrow I'll let you know what kinds of things our Baby Girl is doing at 4 months old. Stay tuned!