
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

100 Years of Happy

Monday, July 2, 2007
It's Monday? Well I was going to say "yesterday" but since it's already Monday, I have to say that on "Saturday" we went to Hershey Park. For any who know me, they know what Hershey Park means to me- Heaven on earth. Josh's mom won 4 tickets to the park that a radio station was giving away in celebration of Hershey Park's 100th birthday. She decided to send Josh, me, Connor (Josh's brother) and his gf Kelly. We had so much fun and Josh even got on a roller coaster with me- the Great Bear! He hated it and I felt pretty bad about that afterwards. Luckily Kelly likes rollercoasters and she went on Storm Runner with me. That was intense! I was really glad I didn't ask Josh to ride that one. At the end of the day we bought some goodies at Chocolate World and most importantly a fantastic chocolate milk shake, which was my favorite part of the day.Sunday was basically spent visiting our parents because we had forgotten to get one thing from his parents and one thing from my parents house while we were there the day before. Blah.So now we're back to Monday and I'm doing laundry, blogging, and getting back to those wedding plans. The situation with the pastor and pre-marital counseling is pretty much solved. Upon talking to our parents about it all, we discovered that Josh's dad can perform marriage ceremonies. So we asked him if he would be willing to officiate at ours and he said he would. Now I just have to email the pastor back and basically "fire" him. I'm not gonna lie, I don't have warm fuzzies about doing that. This also leaves us with no place to rehearse since the ballroom where we're getting married is booked for events on both Friday night and Thursday night before our wedding. I'm considering just holding a "meeting" for the rehearsal where I get some poster board and explain the ceremony on a diagram. It is always nice to walk through it, but half of my wedding party is married and the others have all been in weddings before. The guys might be a different story. At least we have some time to work it out!And some final good news to part with- my purple exclamations on checklist are down to 2: book ceremony musicians, plan rehearsal dinner. Wohooo!

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